Janeway Redux - Part 9

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Submitted by halfofone on Wed, 05/10/2005 - 21:55.

Star Trek Voyager

Janeway/Seven of Nine

Part 9 - Desperate Remedies

Thu, 05/10/2000 - 21:00

15 or R

TITLE: Janeway Redux
AUTHOR: halfofone
FEEDBACK: Constructive feedback welcome.
SUMMARY: Set after five years after the events of Counterpoint in season 5. Janeway gets remade and returns to find her old ship. She needs Voyager and the crew but can they trust her?
SPOILERS: Some Season 4 and Season 5 spoilers.
ARCHIVING: If you want ... I would quite like to know where.
DISCLAIMER: TPTB are Paramount/Viacom. In a perfect world I would own Star Trek but it's not and I don't.

TPTB are many. In a perfect world I would be one of them but it's not and I'm not. No infringement of copyright/trade marks or other intellectual property is intended. This story was written for fun and not profit.

Warning: This story includes same sex relationships between women. If you are offended by this or it is illegal where you live or you are underage then please read no further.

Full warnings, credits and disclaimers can be found in the contents page and chapter 1.

Part 9 - Desperate remedies

The day of the live tests

Seven and the Captain were alone for the first time in several days. A guard was on duty outside but he was not really watching. In the laboratory a meal lay uneaten on a table. The Captain was in no mood to eat. Kathryn Janeway was feeling real apprehension. Seven was reasonably confident of initial success but much more pessimistic about the long term prospects.

Kathryn leaned against Seven and closed her eyes in exhaustion. The Borg was worried, her Captain seldom allowed anyone to see any weakness.

"Cap... Kathryn you are concerned about the coming tests?"

"Please Seven talk about something else."

"I would prefer not to talk Kathryn" the Borg stated and turned the small Captain in her strong arms. She kissed her. After a few minutes Janeway drew her head back breathless and smiling.

"You are a very quick study dearest one."

"I endeavour to improve." the Borg quirked her eyebrow and bent her head to continue the lesson.

Some while later she asked "Kathryn I am curious whether you were in earnest when you asked me to marry you?"


"It seemed possible that when you asked me you were trying to anger Inspector Kashyk." The Borg's voice remained calm but Kathryn could feel the tension in Seven's body. For some reason the Captain felt she should be cautious.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you are still attracted to him" replied the young woman, sounding distant and withdrawn. "Did you allow yourself to be arrested on Voyager because you wanted to return to him?"

"What are you trying to say Seven?" Kathryn released her hold on Seven and walked away a few paces before turning back to face the Borg, her confusion apparent. "I find your reasoning very hard to follow. I can assure you I never had any interest in the Inspector and of course I was serious when I asked you to marry me."

"Then why did you kiss him on Voyager and why do you accept his presence here, on the research team? He hurt you and yet you still do not reject him."

The customary lack of emotion had disappeared from Seven's face and voice, replaced by youthful despair. Janeway felt a wave of affection and was about to kiss and comfort her sweet drone when an uncomfortable question occurred to her.

"How do you know I kissed the Inspector?"

"Voyager's security logs" said the Borg evasively.

"You were watching me." Kathryn was now angry and her voice dropped to a lower pitch. "Seven it was not your business to spy on me."

"But I love you, I must protect you." Seven knew that Voyager's Captain would not take kindly to the idea of being watched even if she had done it with the best intentions.

Trying to control rising anger, Kathryn said "I had to play a difficult and subtle game with the Inspector which required me to pretend to feelings which I did not have. But Seven, even if my feelings had been genuine it was certainly not your part to interfere, I do not need that kind of protection."

Seven flinched and blurted out furiously "I should have eliminated him."

"Love does not give you the right to threaten violence or to invade another's privacy. Back on Earth I was in love with a man and we were to be married, if he were here now would you threaten him?" From Seven's expression Kathryn realised with a sinking feeling that the drone was unaware of her former fiancee.

Seven's voice trembled. "Captain it is apparent I have misunderstood the nature of such human relationships, obviously you feel free to move from one lover to another. We should return to our former relationship as I do not believe I could bear to be abandoned when you find the next true love."

It was Kathryn's turn to flinch but her temper had burst its restraints. "I'd have to agree Seven, at this time you obviously lack the maturity for a personal relationship, not to mention your obvious lack of trust. Just forget the whole thing - put it down to stressful circumstances."

The women stood and glared at each other, shaken by anger and fear. They barely noticed the arrival of two Devore soldiers who saluted smartly, the smaller one saying "Captain Janeway, Sir, Inspector Kashyk requests your presence in the main laboratory. The Borg is also required."

The Captain drew a sharp breath and the habitual mask of command came down over her features disguising the anger and distress that had been visible a moment before. She nodded her agreement and turned and led the way out of the room. The two soldiers waited as Seven of Nine stood looking after the Captain unable to comprehend how quickly her world had collapsed.

The soldier hesitated as he looked at Seven, he was at a loss to see tears rolling down the face of the Borg. "Ma'am, er Miss, Seven of Nine. You must accompany us now. To the laboratory."

Seven looked at him and did not understand what he was saying. Controlling herself she rapidly replayed the last few seconds of conversation. "I will comply." was all she could manage to say. Consciously she handed motor control to her analytical Borg brain and her machine-half took over, suppressing the pain, organising her thoughts and monitoring her actions. She left the room unaware that her walk and speech were noticeably more Borg than usual.


The laboratory was crowded, the full team of scientists were present, most standing by monitoring equipment and Professor Derrish was moving from one station to another fussing over the details.

Janeway entered the room with Nithqref and Kraal who fell into step on either side, Seven walked a little further behind.

The ex-drone looked unemotional and calm but Janeway had noticed her slightly jerky motion with some concern and cursed her own loss of control. Seven was young and wholly without emotional experience. Her inner voice was scornful If you couldn't be patient with her Kathryn you should have left her alone, Kahless knows how much you have hurt her.

Kashyk stood talking to two men that Janeway did not recognise, a high ranking inspector and a senior army officer.

The Inspector introduced them "Captain Janeway, this is Controller Goff representing the High Command and General Maryk, commander of the Marine regiments."

Goff, a corpulent and cold eyed man spoke in a soft voice, "Well Captain I understand you and your team are ready for testing on live subjects. The High Command are very interested in the outcome of this test, however we are not happy with the first tests being performed on Devore citizens or soldiers and I have asked Inspector Kashyk to obtain some subjects from amongst the prisoners."

He pointed towards the corner of the room where she could see three terrified looking prisoners cowering before their guards.

Captain Janeway stepped back sharply and glared at Inspector Kashyk. "What the hell are you talking about? That was not what we agreed Inspector, you said they would be volunteers."

Inspector Kashyk regarded her with lethal amusement. "Indeed they are volunteers Captain. Their future options were explained to them and they volunteered."

"Controller Goff I made it clear that our co-operation was strictly on the basis of using free volunteers, the tests will not take place unless this condition is met."

The fat controller was not used to prisoners arguing with him and was somewhat taken aback but he recovered quickly. "You and your team are in no position to bargain with us Captain Janeway." His low voice was menacing and many of the assembled Devore began to look frightened; Goff had not reached the elevated position of Controller of the Inspectorate through a reputation for good works.

Kathryn Janeway was icy and fearless.

"You still require Seven of Nine to complete the tests and you will find that a number of the key control protocols cannot be released without my personal authorisation." She sneered with a lot more confidence than she actually felt "Controller Goff, you may be able to torture compliance from myself and Seven of Nine eventually but I promise it will take several days you cannot afford." She gestured at the war display on the wall. "Likewise you may be able to work around the technological problems without our help - but that would take even longer."

Inspector Kashyk was smiling at her outburst, amused by Goff's obvious annoyance and the thought of his coming surprise. "Kathryn I was worried that you might be unreasonable about this so I took out a little insurance."

He nodded to a technician who adjusted a control panel. A two-meter view screen on the wall activated and they could hear loud terrified squealing noises. A large, but definitely feminine, Parath could be seen sitting on the floor of a room bound and gagged together with five young Parath who were the source of the squealing noises. Kraal swore but then kept silent except for some heavy bass growling noises emanating from deep in his chest.

"Either we carry out the tests with our three volunteers or I will have the Parath's family slaughtered now, your choice Captain."

"Kraal is that your family?" Kathryn asked.

The Parath nodded and ground his teeth.

Kathryn fought to keep her face impassive. She had steeled herself to the idea that the Devore might torture her or her comrades, even her beloved Seven of Nine. They were in a war and she understood the risks. But to choose which innocent parties should suffer was different, she did not know how to take that responsibility, had never been able to make those choices. Her father and a fiancee had both died because she couldn't make that kind of choice. Nithqref could feel her anguish and spoke to her 'Steady Kathryn, you can do this. Do not allow them to take away your choice, remember many lives depend on you.'

Kathryn looked at Kashyk and caught the triumph on his face. A flash of mental lightning illuminated his intentions as if they were her own. This dispute had nothing to do with defeating the Borg and everything to do with Kashyk's obsessive hatred and desire to outwit her and prove the weakness of her compassion. The answer was to give him what he wanted.

"Controller Goff, Inspector Kashyk, may we speak alone for a few moments?" Goff waved everybody away and the Devore scuttled off immediately even General Maryk.

Captain Kathryn Janeway turned on the diplomatic charm. Her voice was calm and reasonable "Controller Goff we all wish this project to succeed and I would like to offer a compromise to overcome the immediate problem. This project was my idea and it would seem just to test the results on myself first; if the first test is successful then two other free volunteers may be used at considerably less risk and if they are Devore the credibility of the project would be greatly enhanced."

Goff allowed his doubt to show "I do not believe that is a good idea Captain Janeway. These prisoners are expendable. At the moment you have a certain value."

By contrast Inspector Kashyk pounced on the offer as Janeway knew he would.

"On the contrary Controller I believe the Captain has provided us with an excellent solution. Assuming the procedure works, and I have every confidence, what better way of encouraging our troops than to show that the Captain had enough belief in her work to be the first subject? If the test fails then I do not believe that either the good Captain or this project will have much to look forward to."

Kashyk looked as pleased as a Klingon with a cornered Targ. Kathryn had to resist the impulse to wipe his smile off with her fists.

Goff looked suspiciously at the Starfleet Captain, "Captain it escapes me why you should risk yourself in this manner."

"The fair Captain cannot resist proving her nobility and superiority compared to barbarians such as ourselves Controller" said Kashyk.

Kathryn Janeway smiled broadly "I believe the Inspector feels he is a winner however the test works out. He is either a hero of the Devore Imperium or I die a horrible death. A somewhat personal motivation but perhaps the Imperium finds that acceptable?"

Goff laughed, or at least Kathryn guessed that was his intention, the result was nearer a cackle. "The Imperium finds any motivation acceptable if the outcome is in our interests, including yours my dear Captain, you may proceed."


Kathryn's team stood a little way off watching the apparent affability between their Captain and the Devore. "What in Freling's name are they saying Nithqref?" asked Kraal.

'Kathryn made it clear to me that I was not to intrude,' replied the telepath, 'but they appear to have finished.'

Goff raised his voice and addressed the room. "I have decided that the tests will proceed, Captain Janeway has volunteered to be the first subject,..."

"No, you cannot" Seven's voice was barely above a whisper but in the silence it was clearly audible.

Goff ignored the interruption ".... we will be seeking two additional volunteers for the subsequent tests"

Kraal stepped forward "Captain you will be a most unimpressive drone, I am far better suited to the uniform and I will go first."

"I am afraid that is not part of the deal Kraal, I go first or no one gets to play." Kathryn's tone allowed no argument.

For once Kraal did not try. "Then I will be next. So we have one Human, one Parath and no Devore, how unsurprising," the Parath sneered.

"I have already indicated my willingness to the Inspector" said Professor Derrish quietly, "Let us proceed, enough time has been lost."

Kathryn nodded and started to organise her team. She removed her battered Starfleet jacket and then looked at the Devore guards and said firmly "You had better be ready. If things don't go as planned you will have limited time and limited shots before the new Borg drones adapt. Whatever happens the drones must not be allowed to contact the collective, is that understood?" The Devore guards came to attention and saluted.

"Seven are you ready?" It was only now that Kathryn allowed herself to look at Seven of Nine. The drone looked lost and vulnerable, for the second time that day Seven could not process her feelings or make sense of events. All she could think was that somehow her argument with the Captain had caused this to happen.

"Kathryn please, I did not mean to ..., I cannot do this. I know you fear assimilation, why are you allowing this?"

Kathryn lowered her voice to reply "Seven this is not a personal matter. It is a matter of responsibility and duty and has nothing to do with us." The Captain paused and then continued a little hesitantly "Seven, er I.... look, earlier - I was hasty and .... unkind - You and me, we need to talk, to spend time, to get used to being in a different relationship. But I do love you, a few words spoken in anger cannot change that."

"We are unlikely to have that time if you are assimilated." Seven looked and sounded so forlorn that Kathryn nearly smiled.

"Why are you so pessimistic?"

Seven recovered some of her Borg detachment when she answered "This work was done with Devore volunteers in mind and many of the tests made specific reference to Devore physical characteristics. You are Human and the tests are much less reliable indicators. You and Kraal introduce other variables which we have not considered."

"The physiological differences between Humans and Devore are not so great from an assimilation point of view, are they?" Seven dropped her eyes in reluctant agreement. The Captain stepped forward and put her arms around her drone "Seven remember we have a few safety nets tucked up our sleeve. You will just have to be quick to implement them before our friends there terminate me."


The hypo entered her arm. A curious warmth began to flood through her veins and then the pain began as the 'probes began the destruction and reconstruction of her internal organs, bones and even her brain. The crowd saw her body go rigid within the bonds holding her to the chair. "Seven help me." She whispered and then could make no more sounds nor even move. Seven turned her head unable to watch anymore, Kraal put his hand on the Borg's shoulder.

Inspector Kashyk stared at the bound and helpless figure of Captain Janeway, a parody of a smile glued to his face, fascinated by the metamorphosis. Controller Goff was impassive, his small grey eyes betrayed no feelings beyond mild interest. There was utter silence as the seconds shuddered by.

The Captain had become visibly paler and a small implant exploded below her ear, several people gasped and the watching crowd collectively shrank back.

"Life signs, are they stable? I want a progress report now." Prof Derrish snapped angrily at the distracted technicians who were unable to drag their eyes back to their monitors and away from the spectacle in front of them. Other implants began to erupt on Janeway's hands and arms.

Reluctantly the senior technician returned to his post. "Transformation is proceeding as expected Professor. Estimated completion 27.2%, life signs are within acceptable parameters."

"Report progress at 30 second intervals."

The reports continued marking the passage of time until the terse response "estimated completion 93.4%." The technician's voice then rose slightly "the process is not slowing down Professor, there is a problem."

Seven of Nine pushed Kraal away and stepped closer. "What is wrong?" She sounded fierce and the technician replied quickly.

"The rate of conversion is accelerating - and does not accord with the specifications, unknown changes are being effected. The process should have stopped."

Seven was at Janeway's side so fast that the Devore had no time to intervene and without hesitation plunged her assimilation tubules into the Captain's neck.

"What you are doing Seven of Nine?" Kashyk snapped back to life.

For a few seconds Seven ignored the enquiry, concentrating on her task before replying "I am accessing the nanoprobe assimilation records, the 'probes have failed to recognise that assimilation is complete. I am now manually deactivating them."

Seven breathed out slowly "further assimilation has been stopped, I do not know if I was in time." The Captain's body twitched and relaxed.

Janeway eyes opened and focused. The world looked odd - she could see objects clearly, very clearly, but could not make out what they were. Then a bolt of pain shot through her. "I don't feel so good," she tried to complain. Her voice sounded wrong and the words were gibberish. Slowly the memory of what had happened returned to the ex-Captain. Doesn't look good for me - seems like Seven was right. God I wonder what I look like.*

"Captain can you hear me?" asked Seven and then jumped back as the small red head effortlessly snapped the braces holding her right arm and flailed it in her direction but the Captain was not even looking at Seven. She stared straight ahead while her arm waved about, she was making noises but nothing intelligible. The guards aimed their weapons.

One of the shapes made a sound - Janeway could not recognise the noise. She then tried to look round but her field of view didn't change and she could not work out where her head was or where her body began. She had a vague sensation of movement and she could see a long thin shape in motion somewhere close by. I wonder if that belongs to me whatever it is. Perhaps I am dead.

"Do not fire." said Seven of Nine as forcefully as she could. She and Kraal placed themselves between the Captain and the raised phasers. "Captain Janeway cannot yet control her body, without the collective voice she must learn to control her mechanical implants directly."

Kashyk advanced towards the group with a sneer. "You did not mention this before Borg. It appears to me that the Captain has become a drone, what if she is attempting to contact the collective? This must not be permitted."

Derrish intervened quietly. "The Captain is being fully monitored and has not attempted to communicate with the Borg collective. We must allow her some time to recover her senses, literally, her condition is not unexpected and monitoring her recovery is part of the test."

Kashyk became furious.

"I do not agree with you Professor. The experiment has clearly failed and we cannot risk attracting the attention of the Borg so we must eliminate her now." He appealed to his superior, "Controller Goff, in view of the dangers it is clear that the subject should be destroyed."

The fat controller hesitated a moment too long. Seven of Nine seized Inspector Kashyk by the throat and spun him round to face their audience. She increased the pressure on his windpipe until he was unable to breathe. "You will not attempt to harm her. Any sudden movement will result in the Inspector's immediate termination." To make her point Seven twisted the Inspector's head to within a millimetre of snapping his neck. He would have screamed if he had been able.

"Put him down Borg. No one will be hurt if you release the Inspector but I will not tolerate blackmail." Controller Goff's small eyes showed no emotion as he spoke. "The Inspector's loss will cause me little grief. As a hostage he was a poor choice," his jowls quivered slightly, possibly with amusement, and he gestured at the Captain, "However I am interested in the results of your project. You have ten seconds Borg before I order the guards to kill all of you."

Before his ultimatum could be tested, the emergency klaxons began and the hailing system began to issue warnings.


( categories: Janeway/Seven )